Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

code of conduct for japanese translator

Have they ever cross in their mind to introduce kind of Code of Conduct among translators, especially when there is fast growing need for translating Japanese language

Either from or especially to Japanese by Sworn Translator, has become a demanding need nowadays as result of increasing business interaction between Indonesia and other Chinese speaking countries.

Unfortunately, we only have limited number of Sworn Translator. Lately we often, have to wait a couple of weeks or even more, for translation. One day I sent an email to one of senior Sworn Translator for Japanese to reconsider the need of Official Japanese translation, but he seemed only care on his individual business and ignore my friendly suggestion for him to have staffs doing translation and he still have to check before affixing signature and his Seal of Sworn Translator, or even turned down my offer, proposing few students of Japanese Languages form University of Indonesia.

What are they, Sworn Translators, those are people who have passed the test conducted by International Languages Institutions (LBI) of University of Indonesia. Test which is conducted once a year and only for one direction (e.g. Indonesian to Japanese or Japanese to Indonesia) for US 150.- each. Then along with many other translators who have passed the test, brought to Governor of Jakarta for issuing Governor’s Decree as Sworn Translator. And according to reliable sources, Governor of Jakarta did not issue Decree for Sworn Translation for the last 2 (two) years.

And this make things even worse, one day I call Japanese embassy and asking if it is OK to translate from large number of documents by Japanese (where I have to translate from Indonesia to English, because original document were in Indonesian), then return them to Indonesia to be signed and Sealed by Indonesian Sworn Translator for Japanese. But of course the wording in Affidavit shall have to be altered from “having been translated by” into “the translation have been examined by” as asked by Registered Sworn Translator in Indonesia

Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Sertifikasi Interpreter

Dalam sebuah persidangan kasus pidana yang melibatkan seorang Warga Negara Asing, terjadi kekisruhan dimana kuasa hukum terdakwa mempermasalahkan interpreter yang disediakan oleh pengadilan. Sang interpreter dianggap tidak kredibel karena belum tersertifikasi. Meskipun begitu Hakim ketua menolak keberatan pengacara tersebut dan persidangan tetap dilanjutkan. Sepintas lalu ada kesan bahwa kuasa hukum terdakwa hanya mengada-ada atau berusaha mengulur-ulur waktu. Yang penting si interpreter bisa cas cis cus bicara dalam bahasa asing. Tidak masalah apa ada sertifikasi atau tidak. Itulah anggapan masyarakat awam tentang profesi interpreter. Dalam kenyataannya, di Indonesia memang belum ada sertifikasi interpreter. Yang ada barulah sertifikasi penerjemah tulisan. Hal ini terjadi karena beberapa sebab. Pertama, interpreting tidak memiliki parameter jelas yang dapat dinilai dengan angka. Mengingat sifatnya yang spontan dan dinamis, terdapat kesulitan dalam menetapkan kriteria baku tentang kualitas sebuah sesi interpreting. Yang ada hanyalah kesan subyektif pendengar. Kedua, dibutuhkan biaya cukup besar untuk membangun dan menyelenggarakan sistem sertifikasi interpreter, baik court interpreter maupun corporate interpreter. Investasi uang yang dibutuhkan untuk mengikuti sesi pelatihan interpreting lebih besar daripada jumlah uang yang dikeluarkan untuk sertifikasi penerjemah tulisan. Meskipun demikian, sertifikasi interpreter tetaplah penting dan mendesak untuk diselenggarakan demi menelurkan interpreter yang benar-benar kredibel dan berkualitas unggul.

Interpreter guidance

GENERAL GUIDANCE FOR INTERPRETER IN LAW ENFORCEMENT INSTITUTIONS In support the need of Interpreting (verbal translation) services, especially to meet legal requirement for non Indonesian citizen related to Law Enforcement in Indonesian jurisdiction; there has been a mutual understanding between Registered Legal Entity in providing Certified & Authorized Translation Service and several institutions such as Regional Police Metro Jakarta, , District Attorney Office, KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) and District Courts. We CV Anindyatrans ensure ability and accuracy of Interpreting service, by examining Biodata of each and every interpreter proposed to above listed institutions. And keep all references them as record. Ensure to provide fair service at fair rate for those who require interpreting services. Issue Letter of Assignment for each Interpreter being assigned to mentioned institutions and other related agencies. And responsible for interpreting service being delivered by interpreter, and if deem necessary, interpreter shall be take an oath to perform interpreting correctly and sign at the Minutes of Examination / Investigation Report. Among other thing Interpreters a. Shall only interpret every word/sentence being said, stated by the party being interpreted. Shall NOT giving opinions, including but not limited to comments of questions being asked by investigators / law enforcement officers.
NOTE : Repeated questions by the investigators are probably their strategy to obtain the truth. Interpreters shall only keep repeating same questions. Do their best to avoid summarizing answer, except when is required by officers. And shall not discuss other topic other than question being asked by the officer, minimize, limit or restrict social / personal conversation during investigation. Shall NOT involved into legal case being examine / investigated. Proper attired as formal dress. It has been agreed by all related parties and implemented in above listed institution and shall be further discussed and defined for broader implementation.